Every now and then we hear news about people dying due to being
struck with a sudden cardiac arrest which has kind of made most
institutes to come out with the CPR classes for training people in
the indispensable life-saving techniques for the benefit of the
society by reducing the number of deaths among people struck with
cardiac arrests. The CPR classes even has been mandated by schools,
sports organizations and workplaces for the children and the office
employees respectively so that they are always confident enough in
facing and overcoming any emergency situation efficiently. These days
in the CPR classes, along with the CPR techniques the use of how to
use the AED'S are also taught to the students as use of the AED
device along with the administration of the CPR techniques has proven
results in increasing the survival rates among victims.

You should always enroll for the
CPR classes in AHA certifiedinstitutes as the CPR training Nashville in such institutes
will prove to be highly beneficial for you and will provide you with
long-term benefits. In the CPR classes you would also be able to
train in how to use the Automated External Defibrillators or AED'S
for the purpose of defibrillation whereby you would be able provide
shocks to the victim's heart for restoring the normal functioning of
the heart. During a cardiac arrest the heart stops to beat or beats
in an irregular manner which can lead to permanent damage of the
victim's brain due to lack of flow of oxygenated blood by the heart
to the vital organs in the victim's body. If treatment is not meted
out at the earliest possible time then the victim may succumb to
death. The irregular beating of the heart is also termed as
arrhythmia and during the process of defibrillation the AED helps in
determining the type of rhythm that the victim's heart is
experiencing and thereby provides with a shock to the victim's heart
thus helping the heart to get into the operation mode. The AED'S
mainly can treat two types of heart rhythms which are as follows:
Ventricular Fibrillation- During this condition the heart
muscles are unable to contract properly which you can easily diagnose
by using an AED or electrocardiography which should be treated with
immediate effect or the condition of the victim may worsen leading to
stoppage of electrical activity in the heart which is also termed as
"asystole" which can pose a great risk to the victim's life
as ventricular fibrillation causes cessation of blood circulation.
The AED will help in bringing back the normal functioning in the
heart of the victim.
Pulseless Ventricular Tachycardia- Cardiac arrests among
people mostly takes place when the victim is experiencing this heart
condition which mainly is initiated in the ventricles of the heart
leading to the heart beating faster and which if not treated on time
can lead to asystole or ventricular fibrillation causing death in the
victim. This rhythm is considered to be the main cause of a cardiac
arrest in a victim. This fast beating can easily be normalized by
applying shock to the victim's heart with the AED.
So training in the workings of an AED device can prove to be a lot
beneficial for you so wait no more and enroll for the CPR classes at
the earliest possible time.