cpr nashville tn

cpr nashville tn

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Correct Way to Perform CPR on a Cardiac Arrest Victim

A cardiac arrest is a life-threatening emergency, it’s crucial to call 911 and start CPR with immediate effect. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is an emergency lifesaving procedure performed when the ticker stops beating. Immediate administration of the CPR procedure can double or triple chances of survival after cardiac arrest. Significance of the procedure lies in the fact that it keeps the blood flow active (even partially) that extends the chance for a successful resuscitation once emergency medical service arrive on site.
CPR is a crucial step in the AHA’s chain of survival with the five links in the AHA’s chain of survival being

1.      Cardiac arrest recognition and emergency response system activation (calling 911).
2.      Prompt CPR application with emphasis on chest compressions.
3.      Rapid defibrillation
4.      Basic and advanced emergency medical services.
5.      Advanced life support and post cardiac arrest care.

Strong Chain of Survival improves chances of survival and recovery for victims of cardiac arrest.
For an American HeartAssociation CPR class Nashville, you can sign up at the AHA certified CPR Nashville. Both theoretical and practical training are imparted to the students. There are courses for both healthcare and non-healthcare providers.

Follow these steps to learn how to perform CPR:
Shake and Shout to Check Responsiveness- Do check for danger and look for risks before you start helping when you come across someone who’s unconscious. Check for the responsiveness of the victim by gently shaking the victim’s shoulders and ask loudly whether he/she is alright. If someone is close by, ask them to stay. On the other hand, if you are all by yourself with the victim, attract attention by shouting loudly but don’t leave the person.

Check for Breathing- A person involved in a cardiac arrest won’t be breathing, or won’t be breathing normally, they also will be unconscious. Check if the victim on your hand is breathing normally which can be done by checking for regular chest movements, listening for breathing and feeling for breath on your cheek. Do not mistake gasps for normal breathing. If you aren’t sure if their breathing is normal, take it as not normal. Put the victim in the recovery position and call 911 if the person is breathing normally. Open their airway if breathing isn’t normal. Open the airway by placing one hand on the person’s forehead, gently tilting their head back, then lifting their chin using two fingers of your other hand under their chin.

Call 911- Ask someone to call 911 immediately and ask for an ambulance or ask someone for a public access defibrillator (PAD) if the person isn’t breathing or breathing normally. If there’s no one to help, call 911 prior to starting CPR. Start with 30 chest compressions at a rate of 100 to 120 chest compressions per minute – that’s around 2 per second. Give two rescue breaths which should take no longer than five seconds. Check for the rise and fall of the person’s chest while performing breaths.

Carry on until Ambulance Arrives- Repeat 30 compressions and two rescue breaths. If you’d rather not give rescue breaths, call 911 and deliver hands-only CPR. It’s better than doing nothing. Carry on until professional help arrives and takes over, or the person starts to show signs of regaining consciousness, such as coughing, opening their eyes, speaking, or breathing normally.

At CPR Nashville, either register for a course online or call on 615-397-9316 for registration.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Heart Disease Causes for Individuals and Nashville CPR Classes

Heart disease causes vary by type of heart disease. It is one of the leading contributors to the occurrence of a cardiac arrest or heart attack. These are life-threatening emergencies. A victim would require immediate treatment for survival. The best way to handle out-of-hospital cardiac emergencies is by getting CPR trained at an accredited training site like the AHA certified CPR Nashville in Tennessee. Both theoretical and practical training are imparted to the students by certified instructors. It’s advisable that you undergo training to contribute towards the safety of cardiac arrest victims as it is far better to do something than to do nothing at all if you're fearful that your knowledge or abilities aren't 100 percent complete.

Causes of Heart Disease:
Cardiovascular Disease causes- Heart disease describes a range of conditions that affect the heart whereas cardiovascular disease refers to conditions that involve narrowed or blocked blood vessels that can cause heart attack (myocardial infarction), chest pain or stroke. The term “cardiovascular disease” is often used to mean damage to the heart or blood vessels by atherosclerosis which is a buildup of fatty plaques in the arteries which thickens and stiffens artery walls over time and can inhibit blood flow through the arteries to the organs and tissues. Atherosclerosis is the most common cause which can be caused by unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, being overweight and smoking which are all correctible problems.

Arrhythmia Causes- Congenital heart defects (defects in the ticker one is born with), high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, diabetes, smoking, drug abuse, stress, valvular heart disease, consumption of caffeine or alcohol in excess, etc. are some of the common causes of abnormal heart rhythms or conditions that can cause the same.

It’s unlikely for a fatal abnormal heart rhythm to develop in an individual with a normal, healthy ticker without outside triggers like an electrical shock or use of illegal drugs which is essentially because a healthy person’s ticker is free from any abnormal conditions that can lead to an arrhythmia such as an area of scarred tissue.

Heart Infection causes- Bacteria, viruses and parasites are the most common causes of heart infection. For example, endocarditis (a ticker infection) occurs when an irritant, such as a bacterium, virus or chemical reaches the heart muscle.

Congenital Heart Defects- It usually develops when the baby is in the womb. Ticker defects can also develop with the development of the heart, about a month after conception, etc. which can also be caused by some medical conditions, medications and genes may also play a role. Adults can also develop heart defects as your ticker’s structure can change as you age which can cause a defect.

Causes of Valvular Heart Disease- There are many causes of diseases of your cardiac valves. One may be born with valvular disease, or conditions like rheumatic fever, connective tissue disorders, infections may damage the valves.

Adopt healthy lifestyle measures to keep heart disease and cardiac emergencies at bay.
For more information or to sign up for a CPR class, contact CPR Nashville on 615-397-9316.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Significance of AED for a Cardiac Arrest Victim and AHA CPR Classes in Nashville

If you have severe cardiovascular disease, you are at risk of a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). In cardiac arrest, the heart abruptly stops beating which can result in the person’s death without prompt intervention. The main symptoms are unresponsiveness and loss of consciousness. This is a life-threatening medical emergency that needs immediate CPR or use of a defibrillator. The immediate cause of most SCAs is an abnormal heart rhythm (ventricular fibrillation). The ticker’s electrical activity becomes chaotic, and it’s not able to pump blood to the rest of the body.

CPR is a life-saving technique that comprise chest compressions and rescue breaths that can keep oxygenated blood flowing to the brain and other vital organs until more definitive medical treatment can restore a normal heart rhythm. AEDs or Automated External Defibrillators resuscitate you only if you have a specific type of heart rhythm problem like ventricular fibrillation.
For an American HeartAssociation CPR class Nashville, sign up at the AHA certified CPR Nashville. Training in AED is imparted in the CPR classes.

Significance of AEDs:
1.      AEDs are used to revive someone from SCA which usually occurs with a disruption in the ticker's electrical activity that causes the heart to beat dangerously fast (ventricular tachycardia) or irregularly (ventricular fibrillation) and your heart is not able to pump effectively. The abnormal heart rhythm stops blood flow to your brain and other vital organs, usually resulting in death or permanent damage to your brain and other organs if not treated within minutes. So, the sooner your ticker’s rhythm is restored the better.

2.      If the abnormal rhythm is ventricular fibrillation or ventricular tachycardia and an AED is nearby, a bystander in a public place or a family member at home can attach the self-sticking pads to the victim’s chest. The device then reads the rhythm and sends an electrical current to the ticker if an electric shock can correct the rhythm. The jolt can restore your ticker to a normal rhythm and possibly save your life if used within minutes.

3.      CPR after cardiac arrest can keep oxygen-rich blood flowing to the ticker and brain for a time. Along with defibrillation, together they improve a victim’s chances of survival.

Using an AED Device:
The device is very easy to use although training is imparted in the CPR classes itself provided you choose a certified training center.

1.      Prior to using AED on a victim, call 911 to get help on the way. Then perform CPR before turning on the device and start resuscitation again after delivering the shock if resuscitation is needed.

2.      The AEDs also provide step-by-step voice instructions which lucidly explains how to check for breathing and a pulse and how to position electrode pads on the victim’s chest.

3.      After the pads are in place, the device measures the victim’s heart rhythm and determines if a shock is needed. The device is programmed to not deliver a shock if it isn’t needed.

Most public places have this device. You can also purchase a home AED which can save precious minutes in reviving a person with ventricular fibrillation.
Join a CPR course at CPR Nashville and gain the benefits. For more information, call on 615-397-9316.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Benefits of Berries for your Heart and List of Best of the Berry Crop

Berry cannot be beaten when it comes to foods that not only taste great but also are great for your heart. All kinds of berries are rich in antioxidants which are substances found in certain foods that help fight cell damage. Not only the heart, antioxidants work everywhere in the body and are best consumed in real, whole foods especially colorful fruits and vegetables. Berries are the most versatile sources of phytonutrients (plant-based chemical compounds) although different types of berries have different qualities and amounts of these nutrients. Experts suggest mixing them up in the diet. Berries contain sugar so it’s advisable to eat them in moderation. Go for fresh or frozen rather than dried as dried berries have more sugar and have 20 percent as many phytonutrients. Eating berries can keep your heart in good shape and keep cardiovascular disease at bay.

Get CPR trained to efficiently handle out-of-hospital cardiac emergencies like a life-threatening cardiac arrest. Choose a certified training site for acquiring training such as the AHA certified CPR Nashville in Tennessee. Sign up for a CPR course according to your professional background as there are courses for both healthcare and non-healthcare providers.

Here’s a lowdown on the best of the berry crop:
Strawberries- Their bright, red color ensures that you’ll consume a rich variety of nutrients. When searching for berries, look for the ones that are red all over as they have more antioxidants. Go for organics.

Blueberries- These are easy-to-find ones that contain many different types of phytonutrients. They also contain more sugar than other berries. June to August is the season for these berries, buy enough to freeze for later. To keep them fresh even longer, add some Vitamin C powder. Don’t rinse them until you’re ready to use.

Blackberries- These are the most underrated. People don’t know that they are among the berries highest in antioxidants and fiber and have been less cultivated than blueberries. The berries are seasonal in late spring and summer. You can store them in the crisper section of your refrigerator and eat within a few days.

Raspberries, cranberries and golden berries are some of the other great berry choices.
When it comes to the most nutritious one out of all kinds of berries, black raspberries are considered the best although all of them are healthy choices. Black raspberries provide very high antioxidant levels along with fiber and relatively little natural sugar and are the most nutrient dense. Blackberries and their cousins, marionberries are a close second.

Eat well and keep your ticker in good shape for a long life.
At CPR Nashville, you can either sign up for a course online or call on 615-397-9316 for the same.