cpr nashville tn

cpr nashville tn

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Recognizing Vital Heart Disease Symptoms And Significant CPR Training Nashville Classes

Heart disease is the number one cause of death among people in United States today. Irrespective of the age or sex, everyone is equally prone to getting it. The two big risk factors are high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. It is a heart disease which gives rise to the occurrence of a cardiac arrest or heart attack. The best way to deal with cardiac emergencies is by going for a CPR training Nashville program. In the classes, students will get to learn about the life-saving resuscitation techniques comprising of chest compressions and rescue breaths. Proper application of the techniques can restore the lives of people involved in the middle of cardiac emergencies.
You should always select an accredited training center for your training. If you belong to the Nashville region in Tennessee, you can enroll for a CPR course at the AHA accredited CPR Nashville where certified instructors conduct the classes through a series of audio and video lectures and hands-on practice.

For many people heart disease sneaks up on them unawares which can lead to a life-threatening event. The best way to reduce the risk is by simply recognizing the symptoms of heart disease prior to a major medical emergency and seeking medical advice to reduce the risk factors. There are a few heart disease symptoms that you should be on the lookout for. It is advisable to seek medical advice which will help you in assessing your risk for a heart disease. The sooner this deadly condition is diagnosed and treated, the better your chances of living a long and healthy life.

We are listing a few symptoms that you should be conscious of, if you experience any of them or if you experience a combination of these symptoms, you are at a greater risk:

Angina- This is one of the major warning signs of heart attack. Angina refers to chest pain and any chest pain needs to be checked out by a doctor at the earliest possible time. Many people with heart disease may not experience Angina until they are actually having a heart attack which means it might be too late by that time.

Shortness of Breath- Seek medical attention if you are facing problems with the respiratory system as this can be a symptom of any number of problems, one of which is heart disease.

Weariness and Weakness- One tends to feel somewhat tired at the end of a long day at work and if this worsens in intensity over time, it can be indicative of some sort of heart problem.

Fainting or Giddiness- Both of these are very important signs of possible cardiovascular disease which involves having dizzy or fainting spells which you normally haven’t experienced in the past. The symptoms hold all the more true if they appear after exercise or other physical activities. These symptoms are quite common in heart valve disease and manifest as positional vertigo.

Numbness or a Tingling Situation- Appearance of these symptoms particularly on the face or arms and localized to one particular side, it could be a warning sign of blocked or damaged arteries. Additionally, if you also experience slurred speech, headache or loss of concentration or balance, seek medical attention with immediate effect.

Heart disease should be taken very seriously because if not diagnosed and treated on time, can quickly have deadly consequences. You need to understand and recognize the symptoms of heart disease in order to seek medical attention on time.

Go for a CPR training Nashville program at CPR Nashville and contribute towards safety of victims involved in the middle of cardiac emergencies which can be a stranger or your loved one. For more information or to enroll for a program, call on 615-397-9316. 

Friday, March 23, 2018

Five Valuable Tips To Prevent Cardiovascular Disease And AHA CPR Classes In Nashville

Heart disease is the most common killer worldwide. It is a heart disease which increases the risk for someone in getting a cardiac arrest or a heart attack. Both of these are life-threatening conditions and to deal with such emergencies, the best thing one can do is to enroll in an American Heart Association CPR class Nashville where students will get to learn the life-saving resuscitation procedures which comprise of chest compressions and rescue breaths. Proper application of the techniques can restore the lives of victims involved in the middle of cardiac emergencies.

If you are a resident of the Nashville region in Tennessee, you can enroll for a CPR program at the AHA accredited CPR Nashville where certified instructors conduct the classes through a series of audio and video lectures and hands-on practice. At the end of the training classes, a student will be eligible for a certification after successfully passing a skills test and a written exam.
As per research, the damage leading up to heart disease is highly preventable. Here we are listing a few tips which can help you prevent cardiovascular disease:

Quit Smoking- Smoking is not only injurious to the lungs but also other body organs as well especially the heart. Cigarette smoking increases blood pressure levels, causes the vessels to stiffen, interferes with normal respiratory function, contributes to high blood glucose levels and also causes insulin resistance. It is advisable to avoid smoking. Exposure to cigarette smoke is also not safe.

Reduce Your Sodium Intake- Sodium is a very essential nutrient but most people get many times more than what they need on a regular basis. One needs to watch his or her sodium intake as sodium pulls fluids into the bloodstream thus raising the blood pressure. With the blood pressure becoming high, it stretches the vessels eventually leading to the formation of tiny divots. Fats in the bloodstream become stuck in these very divots thus starting the process that leads to atherosclerosis, the most common type of cardiovascular disease.

Engage In Exercise- Include some form of exercise in your daily routine as exercise strengthens the heart muscles and the blood vessels. It increases the "good" HDL cholesterol levels and lowers bad LDL cholesterol that plays a role in heart disease. Exercise also improves the blood glucose levels. Like we all know, high blood glucose levels can lead to type 2 diabetes which increases the risk for a heart disease. Your exercise can range from swimming to running to just a mere walking for a few minutes everyday.

Improve Nutrient Intake- The common types of heart disease are considered diet-related so alongside watching your sodium intake, one should also avoid the bad fats. Strive to get the specific dietary nutrients which can play a huge role in the prevention of heart disease. Omega-3 fats found in fish oils have been well-known to have cardio-protective benefits. They are the healthy fats so you should have diets high in fats like fish and seafood. You can also go for fish oil supplements which can help lower the blood pressure, reduce the risk of blood clots, stabilize the heart rate and improve the blood circulation. But do consult a primary care physician prior to taking any supplement. 

·         Nattokinase is a nutrient which has been proven to clean out fatty deposits in the arteries and also reduces the risk of clotting. Prior to trying that nutrient, be sure that it is protected by an enteric coating or else the enzyme will be broken down by stomach acid and will provide no benefit.
·         Antioxidants such as rutin and quercetin improve blood vessel strength. The best dietary supplements contain all of these nutrients but do consult a doctor prior to going ahead with them.

Avoid Saturated And Trans Fats- Saturated and trans-fats leads to rise in levels of bad LDL cholesterol and also causes an increase in total triglycerides of fats in the bloodstream. These fats increase the thickness of blood making it difficult for the heart to pump thus raising the blood pressure. 

Go ahead and enroll for an American Heart Association CPR class Nashville at CPR Nashville and become certified. For more information, call on 615-397-9316.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Few General Information About Heart Attacks And AHA CPR Class In Nashville

More than a million Americans suffer a heart attack every year. Heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the United States but great strides have been made in the last decade, both in treating heart attacks and in helping people who have suffered one in resuming a full, active life. The best way to deal with cardiac emergencies (which include cardiac arrests and heart attacks) is by going for an American Heart Association CPR class Nashville. In the classes, students will get to learn about the life-saving resuscitation techniques which comprise of chest compressions and rescue breaths. Properly administering the techniques can revive the life of a cardiac arrest or heart attack victim.

If you are a resident of the Nashville region in Tennessee, enroll for a program at the AHA accredited CPR Nashville where certified instructors conduct the classes in a fun and lively atmosphere.
The most common type of heart attack is caused by a coronary thrombosis, which occurs when a clot (thrombus) blocks one or more of the blood vessels that nourish the heart muscle. Due to lack of blood, part of the muscle may be damaged and its ability to contract may be lost. This, in medical terms, is known as myocardial infarction.

Coronary Artery Disease
·         Coronary thrombosis is basically a manifestation of coronary artery disease. Our blood vessels tend to lose their elasticity as we grow old, it is a process known as arteriosclerosis. Atherosclerosis usually does not produce symptoms until there is significant blockage in the blood flow. Sometimes, even the first symptom of a heart disease is heart attack.

·         The major risk factors include high levels of cholesterol and other blood fats, high blood pressure (hypertension) and cigarette smoking. Few others include diabetes, obesity, a sedentary life style, aging, being male and heredity.

·         Atherosclerosis begins forming as a fatty streak on the inner walls of an artery and hinders the smooth flow of blood. With the buildup of patches of fatty tissue, the inner walls become narrower which inhibits blood flow in a more significant way. As the tissue buildup progresses, an artery continues to narrow and in time, the fatty deposit becomes a hard mass of fatty tissue with a tough outer lining of cells- plaques. With the thickening and spreading of plaques, the wall of the artery start getting eroded which interferes with blood flow and makes it increasingly turbulent.

·         Heart attacks sometimes occur in people with little or no coronary artery disease. According to some experts, a spasm or sudden constriction may be the cause of these heart attacks. A spasm may occur in the coronary artery that is totally free of atherosclerosis which explains why many people suffer angina and other cardiac problems without there been any evidence of underlying blockage in the arteries.

Few Symptoms Of Heart Attack
Heart attack may or may not occur without any apparent warning and can also occur in people who have never previously experienced any chest pain. Angina, which is the name given to chest pain that arises when the muscular wall of the heart is temporarily deprived of sufficient oxygen, is the most common symptom. The pain of the heart attack is a sensation of constriction in the central area of the chest which may vary in intensity from a feeling of tightness to one of agonizing crushing or bursting. The pain may be continuous, or it may last a few minutes, fade and then recur. It commonly spreads to the back, jaw and left arm.  The pain is mostly accompanied by shortness of breath, sweating, nausea, dizziness, etc.

The best way to face cardiac emergencies is by going for an American Heart Association CPR class Nashville which will enable you in facing cardiac emergency situations effectively in real life. To enroll for a program at CPR Nashville, either register online or call on 615-397-9316 for registration. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Symptoms And Treatment Of Congestive Heart Failure For People In Nashville, TN

The heart is the most vital organ in the body because it has the most tiresome job of providing blood to all parts of the body, from the tips of the toes to the scalp in the head. Heart is the most important part of the circulatory system which enables every cell in the body to receive nutrients and eliminate their waste products. It is important to keep the heart healthy in order to keep heart disease at bay. It is a heart disease which leads to the occurrence of a cardiac arrest or heart attack. The best way to deal with cardiac emergencies is by going for an American Heart Association CPR class Nashville. CPR stands for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation which comprises of chest compressions and rescue breaths. Proper administration of the techniques can restore the life of a cardiac arrest or heart attack victim. These techniques were brought to the fore by the American Heart Association who came out with the techniques in the face of the rising number of death cases among people due to cardiac arrests.

For training, it is advisable to go for an AHA accredited training site in order to gain quality training in the hands of certified instructors. If you are a resident of Nashville in Tennessee, you can enroll for a program at the AHA accredited CPR Nashville where at the end of the training classes, a student will be eligible for a certification after successfully passing a skills test and a written exam. 

Congestive Heart Failure:
The heart basically is made of four muscle chambers- the two atria and the two ventricles. The right atrium receives the blood coming from the body. The blood goes down to the right ventricle where it is pumped to the lungs for oxygenation which then goes to the left atrium. After that the left ventricle pumps blood to the entire body. The left ventricle has the hardest job of squeezing blood to the entire body that is why it is considered to be the strongest muscle of the four. Congestive heart failure is a condition where it becomes difficult for the heart to provide enough blood to the body. 

Cardiomyopathy, which is a disease of the heart causes congestive heart failure, it can also be a weakened heart which can be due to old age or occurrence of numerous heart attacks. High blood pressure can also contribute to this condition.

Symptoms- The symptoms depend on which part or side of the heart is weakened. One needs to learn about how the different parts of the heart work and their functions in order to easily understand how failure would be affecting the body and the symptoms that they will show. The weakening of the left side of the heart causes decrease in the supply of blood pumped to the whole body with the symptoms being build up of fluid in the lungs which means there would be shortness of breath, difficulty breathing when lying down and increased breathlessness. 

Build up of fluid would be in the extremities with the weakening of the right side of the heart which causes swelling on the lower parts of the body especially on the upper part of the legs and eventually the abdomen.

Treatments- The main treatment for congestive heart failure would be resorting to a healthy lifestyle. The diet and water intake should be adjusted. There should be limited sodium intake because sodium increases the retention of fluid in the body which increases the risk of edema. Consult your physician with regards to your fluid intake which should be decreased as well. Include some form of exercise in your daily routine but the amount of physical activity should be adjusted to the capacity of the patient’s body, so it is important that you consult a doctor and follow his or her instructions.
There are some nutritional supplements as well which can make your heart stronger and can help mitigate the worrisome symptoms of congestive heart failure. 

In order to enroll for an American Heart Association CPR class Nashville program at CPR Nashville, either register online or call on 615-397-9316 for registration.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Keep Heart Disease At Bay With Heart Healthy Dieting In Nashville, TN

There has been an increase in awareness about a heart healthy lifestyle in the face of the growing incidence of heart diseases across the globe. Heart disease is the major reason which leads to the occurrence of a cardiac arrest or heart attack. The best way to deal with cardiac emergencies is by going for a CPR class. It is as much important to go for a CPR renewal Nashville certification if an individual already is CPR certified. There are courses for both healthcare as well as non-healthcare providers or the general public. Learning the techniques (a set of chest compressions and rescue breaths) can come handy in reviving the life of a victim in the middle of a cardiac emergency. For training, always select an accredited training site such as the AHA accredited CPR Nashville in Tennessee. At the end of the training classes, a student will be eligible for a certification after successfully passing a written exam and a skills test. 

It is essential to keep heart disease at bay which one can do through some cardiovascular exercises and stress alleviation activities like yoga coupled with the right kind of diet. With the rise in the awareness, more and more people are opting for heart healthy dieting in order to maintain a healthy heart. 

Here is a lowdown on the list of foods for heart healthy dieting:

Go For Low-fat Proteins- Opt for low- fat dairy products such as low-fat milk, low-fat yogurt, low-fat cream, low-fat cheese, etc which will keep your blood cholesterol levels in check. If you are a non-vegetarian, opt for fish or lean meat instead of high-fat meat. Consume fishes like mackerel, herring and salmon because apart from being great protein sources, these fishes are also rich in Omega-3-fatty acids that are great for the heart. Some other low-fat protein options include lentils, soya beans, etc. 

Increase Your Intake Of Green, Leafy Vegetables And Fruits- Eat more and more fresh fruits like apples, oranges or bananas and vegetables like carrots, broccoli, or green vegetables on a regular basis which can prove to be highly beneficial for your heart. Eat foods with high dietary fibers as fiber reduces blood cholesterol. Eat them absolutely raw without cooking or garnishing which will enable you in deriving the goodness of all the vitamins and minerals in the fruit or vegetable. Snacking on fruits and vegetables can play a huge role in preventing cardiovascular diseases. 

Avoid Unhealthy Fats Or Limit Your Intake- In order to eliminate the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attack or other coronary diseases, it is essential to keep the blood cholesterol levels in check which you can do by limiting your intake of unhealthy fats such as butter, coconut oil, palm oil or margarine. As per doctors, saturated fats should be restricted to less than 7 percent and trans fats to less than one percent of the daily calorie intake. You can use olive oil or canola oil or any other monosaturated fats in moderate quantities as substitutes for your cooking needs. 

Reduce Salt Intake- Limit your salt intake to less than one teaspoonful in a day because higher dietary sodium salt intake can lead to high blood pressure thus eventually triggering cardiovascular diseases and heart ailments. 

Go For Whole Grain Products- Go for whole wheat flour, oatmeal, whole-grain bread or pasta, brown rice, or any other whole grain products, because they are rich in Vitamin-B, Vitamin-E, as well as a lot of minerals which can prove to be highly beneficial for the heart.
Heart-healthy dieting can help in strengthening your heart enabling it in functioning better.
To enroll for a CPR class or a CPR renewal Nashville class at CPR Nashville, you can either register online or call on 615-397-9316 for registration.