cpr nashville tn

cpr nashville tn

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Recognizing signs and symptoms of a stroke

Heart is the most important organ of human body. May be this is the reason heart is also a complicated organ. When heart attack or stroke occurs, life gets threatened. Due to this reason only it is important to recognize the signs and symptoms of stroke or heart attack.

You may think that identifying the signs will be easy, like it shows in the movies. However, nothing is further from the truth. The symptoms of a stroke can be confusing. Recognizing the signs requires training and experience. More than often people don’t suffer from chest pain. They suffer from fatigue or stomach discomfort. Because the symptoms are confusing people delay in getting medical help. They wait hours for the discomfort to go away. And they seek medical help after wasting valuable time. This is the biggest mistake anyone can make.

To avoid a situation like this, you can enroll yourself into a CPR class in Nashville. These classes are designed to help people identify symptoms of stroke and other heart ailments. These classes will also train you to take quick decision in case of a heart attack or stroke.  

What is Stroke?

Stroke occurs when blood circulation in brain gets disrupted. Due to lack of oxygen supply, the brain cells die. This is known as stroke or attack of brain. This is similar to heart attack. Only in case of heart attack, oxygen supply in heart gets cut off and in case of stroke the oxygen circulation in brain gets interrupted.

When Stroke Occurs?

The causes that are responsible for heart attack and stroke are somewhat similar to each other. Both of the ailments occur due to similar causes. Family history is responsible for the ailments. A study has shown that people who suffer from heart attack or stroke have relatives in the family suffering from similar problems.

Obesity is a growing concern in today’s world. Modern lifestyle does not leave space for work out. Most of the time people work sitting in one place. This is one of the most important reasons why people get fat. Nothing is more harmful than obesity and according to a recent study most of the people suffer from heart attack or stroke because of obesity.

Physical activity does not only make people slim and attractive. Regular physical activities like walking or cycling keeps heart disease away too. However, modern technology does not encourage much physical activity. People don’t even leave their seats to change channels. It is another reason why heart attack and stroke are growing in alarming rate.

Apart from the above mentioned causes, high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol are the reasons of heart disease and strokes.  

What are the Symptoms?

So, how can you determine whether someone is about to suffer from a stroke or not? This is an important question. A CPR certification Nashville course can help you learn identify the symptoms and signs of stroke or heart attacks. Some basic symptoms are given below.

When stroke occurs, one side of the body suffers from awkward feeling. Numbness and sudden weakness around the facial muscles are the indications that someone is about to suffer from stroke. Along with face, the person may suffer from numbness in arm and legs as well.

Obscured speech is another symptom of stroke. The person suffering from the life threatening disease may get confused and even have trouble understanding. Moreover, trouble in seeing is another common symptom.

Many patients have complained about dizziness, losing balance and headache while suffering from stroke.  

What are Initial Steps?

Calling 911 should be the first step if you see someone suffering from all of the symptoms of stroke. However, with proper training you may even be able to provide the CPR to keep the blood circulation going inside the brain. Thus you can prevent the brain cells from dying.

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