cpr nashville tn

cpr nashville tn

Friday, September 8, 2017

Significance Of CPR Certifications For The General Public In Nashville

There can be no denying the fact about the significance of the Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation procedures for one and all. The procedures were mainly brought to the fore by the renowned American Heart Association who came out with the procedures in order to put a check on the rising number of cardiac death cases worldwide. Proper administration of the CPR techniques can lead to the survival of a cardiac arrest victim. In most out-of-hospital cardiac arrest cases the victim loses his or her life due to lack of proper treatment in the hands of the surrounding people who are most probably the people with no medical background. People with no medical background do not pay much heed about learning these procedures which is absolutely wrong, it is as much essential for non-healthcare providers to be well-trained in the life-saving techniques as it is for the healthcare providers. Your knowledge in the techniques can save someone’s life.

For training always go for an accredited training center. If you are a resident of Nashville you can go for the CPR training classes at the AHA accredited CPR Nashville. At the end of a program expect to be awarded with a cpr training nashville. There are courses for both healthcare and non-healthcare professionals. The most appropriate course for the non-healthcare providers or the general public is:

HeartSaver CPR Classes- This program is for non-healthcare providers such as teachers, personal trainers, babysitters, security guards, chefs, fitness instructors for ACE, family and anyone else who wants to learn the basic resuscitation techniques for adults, infants and children which includes AED training. The program fee is 76$. So register for the program now.

Future healthcare providers have written articles on various health-related topics which can raise awareness among the common mass about various types of diseases and their cure. The students who wrote these articles were taking prerequisite classes such as anatomy, physiology, microbiology and basic health and disease courses. These courses are required for a student for entering a healthcare or medical school program. Today we are going to be discussing one such vital topic which is:

Iliotibial Band Syndrome- Iliotibial Band Syndrome is a pain in the side of the knee which makes it difficult to perform certain activities such as walking, cycling, running, etc. The IT Band is a thick, dense band of fibrous connective tissue which is attached at the hip bone and runs down the lateral side of the thigh and attaches to the tibia(the shin bone). The band provides stability to the outside of the knee and is of constant use when walking, running or cycling. The causes of the syndrome ranges from walking or running on uneven surfaces, running downhill to running around a track in the same direction too often. It is important that the moment you feel extreme pain on the side of the affected knee get yourself physically examined by a doctor for proper treatment. The treatment for this syndrome varies- the first step in the healing process is taking NSAID’S such as Aleve or Ibuprofen and the RICE method which includes Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. Simple stretching techniques is another form of treatment. Go ahead with the treatments as prescribed by the doctors. 

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