cpr nashville tn

cpr nashville tn

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Benefits of Quitting Smoking for your Heart

You can do your heart a huge favor by saying goodbye to tobacco regardless of whether you’re a longtime smoker or have just picked up the habit. Remember it’s never too late to quit as far as your heart is concerned because the body starts to heal as soon as you smoke your last cigarette.
The heart rate and blood pressure goes up temporarily every time you inhale cigarette smoke which puts extra stress on the heart thus forcing it to work harder. Some of the other ways that smoking damages over time is it clogs arteries, fills lungs with tar, thickens blood, weakens bones, increases clotting and inflammation and weakens the immune system. See fast results, as fast as just 20 minutes after you stop, your blood pressure and heart rate will go down. Your blood flow will start getting better in 2-3 weeks. Furthermore, your odds of heart disease will go down.

How Smoking Harms your Ticker:
The chemicals in the cigarettes harm the ticker in many ways.

1.      Carbon monoxide (a poisonous gas) enters the lungs and then the bloodstream that steals oxygen from the red blood cells thus less of oxygen gets to your organs and tissues. It also hardens and stiffens the artery walls which can lead to a heart attack.

2.      Nicotine found in both tobacco and e-cigarettes narrows the blood vessels increasing blood pressure and heart rate causing the ticker to pump harder and faster than normal.

3.      Chemical changes in the body is another ill-effect of smoking. Cells in your bloodstream called platelets clump together when they react with toxic cigarette ingredients that makes the blood thicker and stickier making it harder for your heart to push it through your blood vessels.

4.      Smoking raises levels of LDL, or "bad" cholesterol, and a blood fat called triglycerides that cause build up of waxy plaque in your arteries. Simultaneously, it lowers HDL, or "good" cholesterol -- the kind that prevents plaque from forming.

5.      Arteries get stretched and scarred when blood pressure is high like while smoking. Their lining gets damaged that lets growth of plaque and combine with sticky blood cells which raises risk for blood clots that can block oxygenated blood flow to your ticker or other vital organs. That can eventually cause heart attack and strokes.

6.      Apart from damaging lungs, smoking makes it harder to breathe too that can keep you from the usual exercising that is required.

Benefits of Quitting Smoking:
Fortunately, most of the damage caused by tobacco is reversible. The risk of blood clot gets lower when you quit. Your “good” cholesterol will go up and “bad” cholesterol will go down that’ll slow down the buildup of new plaque deposits. Within two weeks after quitting, you’ll come to realize it's easier to exercise without feeling short of breath. You’ll be able to breathe deeply again over the next few months. Many individuals swap food for smoking when they first quit that may lead to putting on a few pounds first. Do not worry about it, your body will get accustomed to a smoke-free life after a little while. You’d easily be able to get your weight under control with regular exercise and following a healthy diet.

Cut your risk of having a second heart attack in half if you give up cigarettes after a first one. After a bypass surgery, you can keep your arteries healthy and help prevent further clogs and disease by quitting smoking. Furthermore, you'll also protect your friends and family from the health risks of secondhand smoke.

Consult with your doctor for suggestions on how to end your tobacco habit.
Proper application of the CPR procedure can contribute towards the safety of cardiac arrest victims. Select a certified training center for acquiring training such as, AHA certified CPR Nashville in Tennessee. For more information, or to sign up for a course, contact CPR Nashville on 615-397-9316.

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