cpr nashville tn

cpr nashville tn

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Benefits of Berries for your Heart and List of Best of the Berry Crop

Berry cannot be beaten when it comes to foods that not only taste great but also are great for your heart. All kinds of berries are rich in antioxidants which are substances found in certain foods that help fight cell damage. Not only the heart, antioxidants work everywhere in the body and are best consumed in real, whole foods especially colorful fruits and vegetables. Berries are the most versatile sources of phytonutrients (plant-based chemical compounds) although different types of berries have different qualities and amounts of these nutrients. Experts suggest mixing them up in the diet. Berries contain sugar so it’s advisable to eat them in moderation. Go for fresh or frozen rather than dried as dried berries have more sugar and have 20 percent as many phytonutrients. Eating berries can keep your heart in good shape and keep cardiovascular disease at bay.

Get CPR trained to efficiently handle out-of-hospital cardiac emergencies like a life-threatening cardiac arrest. Choose a certified training site for acquiring training such as the AHA certified CPR Nashville in Tennessee. Sign up for a CPR course according to your professional background as there are courses for both healthcare and non-healthcare providers.

Here’s a lowdown on the best of the berry crop:
Strawberries- Their bright, red color ensures that you’ll consume a rich variety of nutrients. When searching for berries, look for the ones that are red all over as they have more antioxidants. Go for organics.

Blueberries- These are easy-to-find ones that contain many different types of phytonutrients. They also contain more sugar than other berries. June to August is the season for these berries, buy enough to freeze for later. To keep them fresh even longer, add some Vitamin C powder. Don’t rinse them until you’re ready to use.

Blackberries- These are the most underrated. People don’t know that they are among the berries highest in antioxidants and fiber and have been less cultivated than blueberries. The berries are seasonal in late spring and summer. You can store them in the crisper section of your refrigerator and eat within a few days.

Raspberries, cranberries and golden berries are some of the other great berry choices.
When it comes to the most nutritious one out of all kinds of berries, black raspberries are considered the best although all of them are healthy choices. Black raspberries provide very high antioxidant levels along with fiber and relatively little natural sugar and are the most nutrient dense. Blackberries and their cousins, marionberries are a close second.

Eat well and keep your ticker in good shape for a long life.
At CPR Nashville, you can either sign up for a course online or call on 615-397-9316 for the same.

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