cpr nashville tn

cpr nashville tn

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Recognizing Vital Heart Disease Symptoms And Significant CPR Training Nashville Classes

Heart disease is the number one cause of death among people in United States today. Irrespective of the age or sex, everyone is equally prone to getting it. The two big risk factors are high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. It is a heart disease which gives rise to the occurrence of a cardiac arrest or heart attack. The best way to deal with cardiac emergencies is by going for a CPR training Nashville program. In the classes, students will get to learn about the life-saving resuscitation techniques comprising of chest compressions and rescue breaths. Proper application of the techniques can restore the lives of people involved in the middle of cardiac emergencies.
You should always select an accredited training center for your training. If you belong to the Nashville region in Tennessee, you can enroll for a CPR course at the AHA accredited CPR Nashville where certified instructors conduct the classes through a series of audio and video lectures and hands-on practice.

For many people heart disease sneaks up on them unawares which can lead to a life-threatening event. The best way to reduce the risk is by simply recognizing the symptoms of heart disease prior to a major medical emergency and seeking medical advice to reduce the risk factors. There are a few heart disease symptoms that you should be on the lookout for. It is advisable to seek medical advice which will help you in assessing your risk for a heart disease. The sooner this deadly condition is diagnosed and treated, the better your chances of living a long and healthy life.

We are listing a few symptoms that you should be conscious of, if you experience any of them or if you experience a combination of these symptoms, you are at a greater risk:

Angina- This is one of the major warning signs of heart attack. Angina refers to chest pain and any chest pain needs to be checked out by a doctor at the earliest possible time. Many people with heart disease may not experience Angina until they are actually having a heart attack which means it might be too late by that time.

Shortness of Breath- Seek medical attention if you are facing problems with the respiratory system as this can be a symptom of any number of problems, one of which is heart disease.

Weariness and Weakness- One tends to feel somewhat tired at the end of a long day at work and if this worsens in intensity over time, it can be indicative of some sort of heart problem.

Fainting or Giddiness- Both of these are very important signs of possible cardiovascular disease which involves having dizzy or fainting spells which you normally haven’t experienced in the past. The symptoms hold all the more true if they appear after exercise or other physical activities. These symptoms are quite common in heart valve disease and manifest as positional vertigo.

Numbness or a Tingling Situation- Appearance of these symptoms particularly on the face or arms and localized to one particular side, it could be a warning sign of blocked or damaged arteries. Additionally, if you also experience slurred speech, headache or loss of concentration or balance, seek medical attention with immediate effect.

Heart disease should be taken very seriously because if not diagnosed and treated on time, can quickly have deadly consequences. You need to understand and recognize the symptoms of heart disease in order to seek medical attention on time.

Go for a CPR training Nashville program at CPR Nashville and contribute towards safety of victims involved in the middle of cardiac emergencies which can be a stranger or your loved one. For more information or to enroll for a program, call on 615-397-9316. 

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